Yep that’s right, Ronald’s back.
You might remember this 2009 animation that I made while studying at RMIT. Earlier this year I commissioned the awesome musician Will Cuming aka Lanks to make a track to go with Ronald. Why? After Ronald was finished, I let it sit for a while as I cooled off from a full-on year of animation projects. When I revisited it, I felt it wasn’t quite finished. I sometimes get this notion from my old works, but with this one I knew what needed to be done. Originally, I was going to have a musical piece throughout the animation, this idea got left behind because of time restraints. A few years later I was hired to do a music video for Lanks and Ronald came back into my mind. It seemed obvious to me that he was the right person for the job. So after some hard work, here it is: The 2014 edition of Ronald. Dreame (pronounced 'Dreamy') is an awesome website where you can go to turn your dreams into art. There are about 40 artists from around the world involved in Dreame, but I already know which one you're going to choose:
September 2017